Request course reserve and reserve collection

For presenting study ressources the learning platforms of the respective university and other electronic ressources should be used primarily. If that is infeasible, it is possible to create a reserve collection or a seminar related course reserve.

Please note
  • Items already owned by the library as well as items newly ordered are to be stated in the request form.
  • If a title is in stock in print as well as electronically, the e-Book will be added to the course reserve/reserve collection.
Course reserve Reserve collection
  • For each course or seminar a course reserve, with a maximum of 20 print items, can be instituted.
  • If you have more than one course reserve, the maximum can be added up and the resulting total be variably spread within the course reserves.
  • The number of included e-books is not limited.
  • Course reserves can be set up for one semester.
  • The items remain in their regular shelves and are not lendable.
  • Audiovisual media cannot be added to a course reserve.
  • Only one copy per title can be declared as course reserve or reserve collection.
  • If titles already have one copy marked as reference only (reading room, course reserve, reserve collection, journals) those copies will be added to the course reserve.
  • Loan conditions for the special locations reading room and journals will remain unchanged.
  • It is possible at any time to have the course reserve extended by email up to the upper limit. The relevant course reserve as well as the author, title, year of publication and shelf-mark of the respective work are to be named in the email.
  • Each lecturer can build up one reserve collection with a maximum of 20 print items.
  • This maximum is fix and cannot be part of the variable course reserves maxima.
  • The number of included e-books is not limited.
  • The reserve collection can be set up for up to 3 years.
  • The items remain in their regular shelves and are not lendable.
  • Audiovisual media cannot be added.
  • Only one copy per title can be declared as course reserve or reserve collection.
  • If titles already have one copy marked as reference only (reading room, course reserve, reserve collection, journals) those copies will be added to the reserve collection.
  • Loan conditions for the special locations reading room and journals will remain unchanged.
  • It is possible at any time to have the reserve collection extended by email up to the upper limit. The author, title, year of publication and shelf-mark of the respective work are to be named in the email.
+49 461 805 2922
+49 461 805 2900
ZHB Course reserve
Auf dem Campus 3
Post code / City
24943 Flensburg